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Is Domestic Abuse more common than you thought?


A new study shows that domestic abuse is more common than we thought

Domestic abuse occurs when one partner in an intimate relationship uses violence or other forms of coercion to control the other partner and create an environment of intimidation and fear. The consequences of this form of abuse can be devastating, both physically and psychologically, and victims require comprehensive support services that include emergency shelter, medical care, counselling, legal aid, substance abuse treatment and economic assistance.

While most people are aware that domestic abuse exists, few know just how common it really is - until now. A new study has just been released by the National Crime Victimization Survey that shows that the prevalence of domestic abuse may be more widespread than previously thought.

How many people suffer domestic abuse ?

Domestic Abuse Non Molestation Order Contest

When asked if they had been abused by their partner in a relationship, 43.8% of women responded affirmatively, as opposed to 21.3% of men. Men who were 20-24 were also most likely to report being victims of physical or sexual violence perpetrated by an intimate partner (28.5%), while women aged 40-44 were least likely (15%). Additionally, 6.2% of male respondents said they had been sexually assaulted since turning 18, and 5.1% of male respondents reported having been physically assaulted by an intimate partner in their lifetime: indicating that even though female victims may be more likely to report sexual assault or physical abuse at some point during their lives, it does not necessarily mean these numbers are higher for them than for men.

We at assist our clients to apply for and defend Non-Molestation Orders.

Though Non-Molestation Orders are made under the Family Law Act, this Act does not have wide-ranging powers compared to the Domestic Abuse Act. However. Our firm, Court Help Limited, specializes in Non-Molestation Order Defence and knows of the impact of the Non-Molestation Orders on those who are falsely accused when the applicants misuse the powers of the Non-Molestation Order.

What can we do about it?

People often feel uncomfortable talking about issues of domestic violence. This can make it hard to figure out what to do if you know someone who is experiencing it, or if you yourself are in an abusive relationship.

How to apply a non molestation order in domestic abuse

Let’s get something straight: People who experience domestic violence are not to blame for it, and they don’t deserve it. We all have a responsibility to help protect those around us from being abused—especially when they may be too scared or ashamed to tell us they need help.

If you’re worried about a friend or family member experiencing an abusive relationship, encourage them talk with someone at their school or workplace, contact one of our support lines (see resources below), or call 911 in case of emergency.

Have you been affected by this issue?

Our UK island is small, so lets look at a larger country. An report says that respondents in a recent survey revealed that roughly more than half of Americans have been affected by domestic violence and abuse. That percentage rises further when you include psychological torment, such as verbal threats or manipulation.

DO men suffer with domestic abuse and domestic violence?

The survey also showed that while both men and women are susceptible to these issues, women are far more likely to be victims of physical violence than men. In fact, nearly 50% of all murder-suicides involve a male perpetrator who killed his partner and then himself. To help break down why these types of crimes happen so frequently, researchers studied four main types of domestic abuse: physical/sexual, psychological, financial and cyber.

Their findings uncovered a number of trends , including how age can impact a victim's risk for experiencing different forms of abuse. For example, younger adults (18–29) were most at risk for physical/sexual abuse and financial control, whereas older adults (65+) were most at risk for psychological control.

This information could help those working with victims better identify signs of trouble in their relationships—and stop them before they escalate into something even worse. If you’re concerned about your own relationship or someone else’s, reach out to an organization like The National Domestic Violence Hotline .

If you need Family Law related legal help, especially in regards to Domestic Violence and to apply for a Non Molestation Order, uur firm, Court Help Limited, can assist. Reach us at 07375757510 or contact us at

This Article is NOT Legal advice and should not be treated as legal advice.


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